Friday, April 15, 2011

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Top 10 Guilty Pleasures...

1. Listening to a guy with an accent talk.

2. Dunkin Donuts♥

3. Twitter

4. Facebook

5. World Of Warcraft

6. Smelling guys who wear nice perfumes.

7. Watching horror movies even though I scream every 2 scenes... epic lol.

8. American Idol

9. Fuzzy/multicolored socks that go way up to the knee :3

10. Watching every single show on E!

Well, there you have it! My Top 10 Guilty Pleasures!! What are your guilty pleasures!? :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Somebody Has To Say It...

You know that time when you're talking to someone and he/she has something on his/her teeth??... Some will tell you directly: ''dude, thre's something green between you're teeth'', others
, like me, will just do some waving until you get the idea.... Somebody has to say it.... Or when you're zipper is open.... I would like some one to warn me... ''hey.... check ur zipper girl''..... or something like that.... SOMEBODY has to say it.... Oooor.... when you sit down and your pants fit soooooo tight and sooooo low that they leave your a** crack showing.....(i know, disgusting idea o.O).... SOMEBODY, for the world's sake, HAS to say it........ lol.... wouldn't you???

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Really Are ''Haters''...

Haters are like the myth of gremlins. Little bitches that wreck everything and bring you down. Why? because in the real world they would get reverse pimp slapped into oblivion.  Now... tell me if that is NOT true.... Haters are just... simply... people who show their love in a very different way... in fact... they are your biggest fans.... I don't hate haters.... i LOVE haters.... And most of all... i LOVE knowing that I will always be in their minds... wandering around that space where their breain is supposed to be.... lol.... Don't you??... Haters make us famous peoplee...